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Watch WithLove on your television

You can now watch the most beautiful romantic films from WithLove even more easily with our brand new Smart TV app. Now also available for Samsung TVs. Unlimited enjoyment on your own TV! This makes a moment for yourself even more fun!

Just a moment for yourself

These days, everyone is busy juggling as many balls as possible every day. WithLove gives you a moment for yourself! At WithLove, you will find the most beautiful romantic movies that you won't find anywhere else. With our extensive selection that is updated every week, you can enjoy complete relaxation. Escape from the hustle and bustle of the day for a moment.


The most beautiful movies

Forget Brad Pitt and George Clooney: the hunks at WithLove are even more handsome. From "The Beach House" to "Royal in Paradise" and from "Picture Perfect Romance" to "How to Win a Prince," each movie will make you swoon.

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